DHI to work through GNHC
Thimphu, February 04: The Druk Holdings Investment (DHI), established few years back with aim to consolidate industrial activities and investment in the country has not been at eye-to-eye with government regarding its jurisdiction.
In effort to define the jurisdiction, DHI has reached an agreement that it will now implement government-identified projects through the Gross National Happiness Commission (GNHC), the agency who also has similar history.
The two big agencies agreed to work hand in hand on commercial projects under tenth plan. DHI accepted the responsibility to raise money in the market, on condition that project will pay back the investment.
All projects set by GHNC will not be accepted by DHI, who has developed its own criteria for investment — project's commercial viability, project size, projects with high potential for growth, projects with high gestation period among others. Bhutan News Service