Archive for the ‘ Media Monitor ’ Category

The Journalists Association of Bhutan (JAB), which was first announced five years ago, has been reactived with election of nine its executives, Tuesday. In the election held in the capital, 32-year-old Passang Dorji of The Bhutanese, a daily newspaper yet to be launched, was elected with majority of votes as new president, wrote the Kuensel […]

Dzongkha editors of private newspapers will meet the information and communications minister and secretary next month to discuss their proposal to discontinue publishing Dzongkha editions of their English language papers. The private media houses, during an informal meeting with the ministry on January 16, said the mandatory publication of the Dzongkha edition had become a […]

Bhutan will soon have 11 newspapers. The latest entrant in the market “The Bhutanese” will be launched on February 21. The paper’s CEO and owner, Tenzin Lamsang, a journalist by profession, says they are aware of the competition and the market scenario. “We know the risk we are taking. We know what the returns will […]

Bhutan Broadcasting Service (BBS), the National Radio and Television Service, launches its 2nd television Channel from today. Viewers can now watch Live the proceedings of the National Assembly and the National Council simultaneously from tomorrow. Test transmission of the BBS 2 on terrestrial broadcast has been going on for the past week. The channel has […]

The 104th National Day celebrations could not have been more pleasant to the 18 media houses in the country. His Majesty the King awarded the Order of Merit (Gold) to the Bhutanese media, in recognition of its vital role in informing the people, in encouraging debate and participation, for preserving the culture and tradition and […]
… plus four for newspapers, three Dzongkha/English and one Dzongkha Media Despite initial complaints that the minimum investment of Nu 30M was too high a condition to start a private television station in the country, six have registered with the Bhutan InfoComm and Media Authority, which called for applications more than three months ago. Registering […]
While interested private individuals and companies vying to launch the country’s first private television channel are getting their papers ready, Bhutan Broadcasting Service is preparing to launch its second TV channel beginning next year Even before the country’s national television station, Bhutan Broadcasting Service (BBS) goes 24/7, it will launch a second channel soon. The […]
Gyelchi Sarshok is the second Dzongkha newspaper After the Bhutan InfoCom and Media Authority held it up for more than two months after its first issue hit the newsstands, the weekly Gyelchi Sarshok is back in the market from last Saturday. BICMA issued an order restricting the paper from being published when its first issue […]
By YesheY Dema A 28 year old former reporter with one of the private news papers was knifed thrice by a 30 year old accountant who also works in another private news paper. The incident took place at the Hongkong market in Thimphu around 9:30pm on Saturday night. In his statement to the police, the […]
The fact that several media houses has mushroomed in the last few years stands as an embodiment of the support that the government has rendered to the media. Apart from the advertisements, the government has created a congenial environment for the media to grow. The Prime Minister, Jigmi Y Thinley informed the media when questioned […]