Archive for the ‘ Opinion ’ Category

As our story is fading towards historical insignificance, how we define ourselves now may come into play when our generations desperately search for their rational identities. One of the hot topics surrounding the resettled Bhutanese communities around the globe has been that of distinguishing selves from a fairly good number of evolving nationalities that we […]
Bhutan needs more remittance, probably more than anything in the past. Remittance helps to back up and sustain the general spending in daily life. Bhutan is not a country which sends a lot of people to international labor market, therefore no question of getting larger revenue as remittance. With low capacity of absorbing a large […]
The Government of Bhutan mercilessly evicted its citizens and still the world has not effectively challenged its inhuman activities. It is an insult to United Nations as Bhutan has openly abused the ‘Human Rights’ as declared by UN on this day of 10th December. It is equally regrettable to realize that the Bhutanese citizens are compelled to struggle for the most basic human values even form the 21st computerized century[…]
Bhutan, a small almost inaccessible kingdom right in the heart of Himalaya, shines in the eyes of western imagination: A Buddhist country, perceived as similar to Tibet with the exception of its protection from the Chinese dragon, this tourist luxury destination with a visa of about $250 a day guarantees an ‘exotic’ stay without too […]
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Wangchuck, Tashichodzong, Thimphu, Bhutan I often used to think of writing to you since I was out on the run but I had no access to internet then and even if I chanced to get it, I could definitely not pour my opinion as securely as I am doing at the […]
A seven member delegation from the National Council of Bhutan visited Japan led by the Chairperson on invitation of Mr.Takeo Nishioka, the President of the House of Councillors of Japan from September 26 – October 2, 2011. The visit was special because this is the first such exchange between Japan and Bhutan in the 25 […]
Mr President, Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen My country is most happy to welcome South Sudan as a member of the UN family. I seek your permission, Mr. President, to speak on the subject of Happiness. Since joining the UN 41 years ago, Bhutan has always maintained a long term and broad perspective on […]
President Vishaka N. Desai, Trustees and Members of the Asia Society, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to thank Lisina Hoch, a close and longstanding friend of Bhutan, for her kind words in introducing me. It is an honour and pleasure for me to be here this evening with the distinguished members of […]
Sitting within the four walls of our bamboo sheds in the refugee camps in Jhapa and Morang districts of eastern Nepal, we could see the vast expanse of the Tarai region preparing itself to welcome the most celebrated Nepali Hindu festivals Dashain and Tihar. The lush green paddy fields swaying against the soothing autumn breeze […]
Perhaps, reporting by Bhutan’s on Gyalpoizhing, Mongar dated 13 August, 2011 is what I have long awaited for. It is informative, timely and appreciative. And, it is not surprising to understand that “24 of the 25 acres acquired for township have been parceled out to various ‘outsiders’”. Gyalpoizhing was initially a fallow land amidst […]