Archive for the ‘ Main News ’ Category
New Delhi, November 25: A conference on Bhutan's proposed constitution, democracy and exiled Bhutanese was held on November 25 at Indian International Centre, New Delhi. Jointly organized by Public Interest Legal Support and Research Centre, Indo-Bhutan Friendship society and Druk National Congress, dozens of leaders from India joined to extend support to the Bhutanese democratic […]
Kathmandu, November 28: Human Rights Watch (HRW) has shown serious concern over the unimproved camp lives of exiled Bhutanese. In an interaction program with the Bhutanese Refugee Durable Solution Coordinating Committee (BRDSCC), one of the members of the HRW, Katinka Ridderbos said that the situation is getting deteriorated. She also stressed on the necessity of coordination […]
BY TILAK P. POKHAREL BHUTANESE REFUGEES CAMPS, Nov 11 – Repatriation. That is what 106,000 Bhutanese refugees languishing in seven camps in eastern Nepal have been looking forward to for the last 16 years. As the years passed, repatriation became more elusive; but it is stronger now than ever before, in the days following the […]
BY TILAK P. POKHAREL BHUTANESE REFUGEE CAMPS, Nov 12 – "Burden-sharing" is a term widely used while referring to resettlement of Bhutanese refugees in third countries. But, are they really a burden for Nepalis? The answer in "no" for many Nepali communities hosting the refugees for 16 years. Rather, the refugees' presence has helped them […]
BY TILAK P. POKHAREL KATHMANDU, Nov 10 – As the undercurrent of the United States' offer made in October to resettle 60,000 Bhutanese refugees continues to further deepen the division in the refugee community, at least three other countries have agreed with the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) to make similar offers in a "burden-sharing" […]
Kathmandu, November 10: Chief of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Nepal has expressed his concern and unhappiness over the division among exiled Bhutanese over the issue of a third country resettlement. "This division is not what we want," UNHCR representative in Nepal, Abraham Abraham, said at the reporter's club on Friday. […]
New Delhi, November 11: Exiled Bhutanese would be compelled to take up arms and destabilize north-east India if the Indian government continues to ignore them in their efforts for repatriation, a study report released on Friday concluded. According to the report, the exiled Bhutanese would wage a war against India if Indian government doesn't respond positively […]
BY TILAK P. POKHAREL Jhapa and Morang, November 10 – The whisper about Bhutanese refugees taking up arms against the Druk monarch's absolute rule has been in the air for quite some time. Now there are growing evidences that refugees frustrated with the Druk regime's refusal to repatriate them are gravitating toward the arms option. […]
Kathmandu, Nov 9: Three more countries other than the US have also agreed with the UNHCR to share burden of exiled Bhutanese. According the sources Australia, New Zealand and Canada and some member countries of the European Union have already agreed to resettle refugees. However, the countries haven't yet made public about the exact numbers […]
Beldangi, November 9: The Communist Party of Bhutan (MLM) celebrated its fifth anniversary in an unknown place of Jhapa on November 7. ‘Nabin’ addressing the party cadres said, ''CPB-MLM is preparing Peoples’ Liberation Army (PLA) to fight against the autocratic Wangchhuck dynasty of Bhutan.'' He also presented the program and policy of the party. Another […]