Just a month after amendment of Tobacco Control Act 2010 by the Parliament, King Jigme Khesar has exercised a prerogative to release 16 persons convicted of tobacco smuggling. However, many have already started commenting that both government and the King must have understood the role of media and social network groups against tobacco law. Thanks […]

As our story is fading towards historical insignificance, how we define ourselves now may come into play when our generations desperately search for their rational identities. One of the hot topics surrounding the resettled Bhutanese communities around the globe has been that of distinguishing selves from a fairly good number of evolving nationalities that we […]

Bhutan has been buffering the friction between two Asian giants since early times of Independent India. Bhutan’s border with both the neighbor has remained ill-defined as much of the work of boundary demarcation depended on Indian surveyors. The northern border prior to 1959 was maintained with Tibet, that happened to be the origin of Drukpa […]

The Journalists Association of Bhutan (JAB), which was first announced five years ago, has been reactived with election of nine its executives, Tuesday. In the election held in the capital, 32-year-old Passang Dorji of The Bhutanese, a daily newspaper yet to be launched, was elected with majority of votes as new president, wrote the Kuensel […]

Dzongkha editors of private newspapers will meet the information and communications minister and secretary next month to discuss their proposal to discontinue publishing Dzongkha editions of their English language papers. The private media houses, during an informal meeting with the ministry on January 16, said the mandatory publication of the Dzongkha edition had become a […]

Bhutan will soon have 11 newspapers. The latest entrant in the market “The Bhutanese” will be launched on February 21. The paper’s CEO and owner, Tenzin Lamsang, a journalist by profession, says they are aware of the competition and the market scenario. “We know the risk we are taking. We know what the returns will […]

Ghatastapana is a national holiday in Nepal. Cherishing fond memories of each of the seven camps for Bhutanese refugees in eastern Nepal, I drive to Goldhap camp. A place once familiar looks strange. People used to throng to greet me, Namaste, the little ones calling “Father, Father!” The food distribution centres were crowded; opposite, old […]

Bhutan Broadcasting Service (BBS), the National Radio and Television Service, launches its 2nd television Channel from today. Viewers can now watch Live the proceedings of the National Assembly and the National Council simultaneously from tomorrow. Test transmission of the BBS 2 on terrestrial broadcast has been going on for the past week. The channel has […]

Hindi soaps are getting popular in this nation of smiles, though some women question the value systems they endorse. Fifty years ago, when I was a child, we didn’t have money for shoes. We wore something roughly stitched together from the jute of gunny bags. But it was a time of innocence… everyone around was […]

The 104th National Day celebrations could not have been more pleasant to the 18 media houses in the country. His Majesty the King awarded the Order of Merit (Gold) to the Bhutanese media, in recognition of its vital role in informing the people, in encouraging debate and participation, for preserving the culture and tradition and […]